christian matyszok ext



We are delighted to introduce our deputy head of boarding school to you today: Stein proudly presents Christian Matyszok - the main person responsible for the male upper school at the boarding school, a qualified social pedagogue and licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist. Christian leads and organizes the team of boarding school teachers and coordinates the extracurricular structures of our students.

Fitness room or library?

There is no either or: it has to be both. I like the atmosphere in the library and love to browse through books. I usually read several books at the same time. Books enrich, inspire, make you grow, take you out of your comfort zone, change your perspective on the world - I wouldn't swap that for either or. However, I couldn't imagine my life without the gym or sport in general. 

What is your favorite place here in Stein?

I like the atmosphere on the sun deck in summer. The smell of freshly cut wood, the cooling canal, the conversations with the kids. It's like a mini vacation and everyone is relaxed. 

Stein in three words?

Magic, joy, development of potential.

Stein proudly presents: